Everyday life

When you start questioning the source of your food and the effects of your actions on your body, your neighbourhood and more widely the planet; inevitably you begin to ponder other concepts. 

Making considerate and informed decisions about the origin and effects of your purchases is a thrilling feeling. You are aware that you’re not contributing to the needless suffering of animals or doing sever damage to your body or planet.

However, there are times when it is difficult to explain this to your friends and co-workers. So to can it be inconvenient, and yes frustrating, when shopping for clothes or bathroom products. I found it really difficult speaking with others and navigating the aisles when I first became vegan. Here are some of my tactics for;

Talking with others. Explaining your stance with co-workers, friends and family; handling hassles and daft questions; and breaking the news to your boyfriend that you won’t be cooking meat-steaks anymore.

You begin to questions the motives of corporations. Companies which spend millions of dollars trying to convince you that factory farming is natural and that Genetic Modification will benefit the hungry. That to be interesting to the opposite sex you need to wear clothes that are considered cool by those selling them to you. This month: Fur.

My opinion on these topics can found under the aptly titled Contentious Issues.

I am guilty of believing what I read and hear from mass marketing and catchy jingles. Brought up on the food pyramid like so many others, I didn’t question the impartiality. That dairy and meat industries would’ve played a part in determining nutritional guidelines for a population. Guidelines recommended by the organisation established specially to provide unbiased advice. Read here the full interview with Marion Nestle author of Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health

In the News, there are regularly stories about our environment and the hypocrisy of our compassion towards our household pets versus our treatment of animals we deem unworthy. We spend millions of dollars annually on our pets, yet do not provide veterinarian care to hens who live in insufferable conditions to provide us with eggs.

Science often reveals the benefits of a meat-free diet and the effects of our consumption on the environment. In science we discover how amazing animal’s senses are, their gifts for swimming, hunting and evading predators. We are awe striken by their natural talents.  

There are many books, podcasts and authors who specialise in the ethics and morals of sharing the planet with other animals. Some of my favourites are listed in Links and Likes.

In fashion. What to buy and what to avoid and why. Usually shedding the animal products from your wardrobe is one of the last actions taken by people transitioning into veganism. Finding alternatives just requires a little know-how, or should I say know-what.

In the bathroom. Of course you buy products which are not tested on animals…but are they vegan. Here’s some of my favourites.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Tips on cutting down on your consumption and fluffing up your bank account.

Tranquil New Zealand. 


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